
The butthurt is strong with the internet today. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, August 14, 2015, 16:13 (3332 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY
edited by Cody Miller, Friday, August 14, 2015, 16:18

This isn't the usual "difference of opinions" that I expect to hear from the gaming community over any title. What I don't understand is "why". I get why some people wouldn't like Destiny. That's fine. But why the blinding rage and complete lack of logic or reason from people who are generally logical and reasonable? I guess Alfred was right. Some people just want to watch the world burn, lol

I can only take a guess and assume that it's a byproduct of the investment system. When posed with the question of why HBO was generally a more positive and creative community than DBO, the only difference really is the game.

I would guess that it has to do with people, well, being TOO invested in items rather than experiences. Bungie wants each gun to have a story, and it would seem that others having the same gun but a different story somehow lessens your own. If all you were concerned about were the experience, someone else having the gun wouldn't matter, since they didn't have the experience.

It's like, I've had quite a few interesting, hilarious, and borderline illegal encounters with famous people. Back in Michigan, when I tell my family that Clint Eastwood was behind me in the popcorn line before Gran Torino, that's like a huge deal even though that's the most banal of my encounters. But out here in LA? Everybody has stories like that and nobody really cares.

When everybody's got a story, nobody does. When everyone is legend, nobody is.

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