
The butthurt is strong with the internet today. (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Friday, August 14, 2015, 17:40 (3332 days ago) @ Cody Miller

TL:DR: It's the g**d*** 70s again, except this time the Internet is here to magnify our malaise.

Why then, when I go to the Life is Strange subreddit, are there no negative posts, tons of excitement, fan art galore, theories, and general wackiness?


I notice a lot of hate towards anything that gets big or has been deemed too big for too long. Life is Strange is fairly new, I'd say, and probably has a smaller, closer-knit group of fans who are passionate about the game (which I need to buy one of these days - thanks for reminding me!). If it continues to grow in popularity and a sequel or series is made, I'd wager hate would start to come out of the woodwork.

I'd also wager if nobody had heard of Bungie before and Destiny didn't have the marketing and hype around it, it would have a very different reputation right now, even with the debatable investment system.

Looking back at the first Halo, I don't remember a lot of hatred thrown at it (except by Mac fans :p), but boy do I remember the Halo 2 era where there was a LOT of hate, sometimes from people who had never played it.

The popularity of anything seems to eventually reach a certain threshold and then a good percentage of people start to become overly-critical of the series or the author. Either they compare everything new to a past 'golden age' or just flat out hate hearing about it without even being interested in it, or the fans of something similar hate on it because 'there can only be One'. Maybe somebody trusts somebody else's opinion and just borrows it.

I remember when folks began associating Halo with 'frat boy' stereotypes and aggressive competition. It still has that association (and 343's football Spartans and focus on e-sports definitely doesn't help) but now classic Halo has become nostalgic for a lot of people. Reddit gaming used to hate Halo; now it loves looking back at it fondly. Halo2Sucks.com became Halo 2 Anniversary.

It's like you can chart waves of love, hype, release, hate, nostalgia, love, hype, reboot, hate, nostalgia, etc., in any big series in any medium these days. The Internet has made this phenomena get even crazier.

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