
The butthurt is strong with the internet today. (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Friday, August 14, 2015, 16:31 (3230 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

I know we've talked about this a bit here at DBO recently, but I'm shocked by some of the rampant negativity on twitter today around Xur selling Gjallarhorn. Of course, there's plenty of celebration going around. But I'm seeing a surprising amount of rage and frustration coming from people in my feed... people who I normally think of as being thoughtful, reasonable, and generally positive. Everything from "this is a spit in the face to people who earned Gjallarhorn" (tough to count the number of things wrong with that statement) to "Bungie is just dangling it in people's faces right before they make it useless".

Don't forget that the exact same thing happened when he first sold Icebreaker. We had a great tale of Sammy getting hers from our first ever Raid, and everybody was jealous and in awe of the look and sound of it... Then, Xur sold it, and she was like "well, poop". But folks on the internet were furious. How dare he sell such a coveted weapon?

That's where the whole "earned" nonsense first popped up, and it hasn't stopped yet. I do think that it stems from a sense of elitism, and the sadness that comes with no longer being "special", even if it's something that will benefit you and your groups.

*shrug* who knows. Actually, I knows. I had a Gally the second week that the game came out, a Vex before anyone that I knew, and a Hawkmoon before the first major Hand Cannon nerf, so I cherish those memories and such, and the fact that those stories have slowly gone from being "whoah" to "who cares?" is a bit of a bummer, but that's what happens in a game where people slowly learned that "how" you got a weapon really doesn't matter, thanks to RNG and Xur's sales. Sure, you earn the ability to hit the loot pool, but ultimately, when a guy who goes .05 in Crucible gets a Hawkmoon that took you thirty Nightfalls to get, the value of obtaining the weapon is altogether gone.

To a lesser extent, you see all the folks that have the Skolas shader, and you simply assume that they got it during the Gjallarhorn burn, rather than suffering through the current setup (or the nigh-impossible Arc Burn). It's all about the "How" for some folks...

That's why I'm looking forward to TTK's greater focus on quests. People will truly "earn" their weapons (and gear?), and maybe the salty folks on the forums will have little to complain (heck, most of them might not have what it takes to get the most coveted weapons).

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