
The butthurt is strong with the internet today. (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, August 14, 2015, 17:14 (3332 days ago) @ Korny

To a lesser extent, you see all the folks that have the Skolas shader, and you simply assume that they got it during the Gjallarhorn burn, rather than suffering through the current setup (or the nigh-impossible Arc Burn). It's all about the "How" for some folks...

Pete the Duck wrote a great article a while back that touched on some of this stuff. I thought of it while talking to someone on Twitter today. He was claiming that his Mythoclast was an accomplishment. I told him that the Mythoclast can't be considered the accomplishment, because you might have 6 people who complete the same raid together while only 1 of them gets a Mythoclast. Completing the raid is the accomplishment, not the random reward you are given.

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