
That thing where Bungie's sexist *Raid SP* (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 28, 2015, 16:25 (3389 days ago) @ Blackt1g3r

I think because the exos were created from someone who did at some point have a gender.

Right. It seems to be shaping up that having organics fight Vex, especially across Vex structures, is a very bad idea. Vex and their structures are partially organic and cause hallucinations in Humans and their technological nature may also let them attack human minds directly. Exo's seem to have been humanity's solution either via remote mind linked control or directly inhabiting the Exo bodies. Why Exos appear to have gender is as yet unanswered. Maybe matching up body parts makes neural control more seamless? Maybe it was simply a choice offered? We just don't know yet. For all we know there are genderless Exos. Tower Frames appear genderless aside from custom voices after all.

One interesting thought: What if every Exo from Cayde-6 to our Guardian is still being remotely controlled by the original people?!

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