
Absolutely! (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, September 28, 2015, 01:39 (3389 days ago) @ narcogen
edited by cheapLEY, Monday, September 28, 2015, 01:44

Not necessarily. However what harm would have there have been in making two out of three of them female instead of the other way around?

There would have been no harm. However, there's no harm as it is now, either. When there's three of something, you can divide it equally between two things.

Bungie arbitrarily making a character female just to make people think they aren't sexist isn't helping to combat sexism. It's just stupid.

Bungie is doing better than most, but again, that doesn't mean that no criticisms are valid. The Guardian power structure in the tower, for instance, swings strongly in one direction, both in terms of numbers and screen time and character importance.

I think it's ridiculous to even chalk this up to sexism, rather than just Bungie's acknowledgement that everyone loves Nathan Fillion and wanted more of him.

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