
Absolutely! (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 28, 2015, 12:23 (3389 days ago) @ narcogen

It's worth noting that you immediately jump to "has MORE females than males" when the idea was having a believable balance.

I gave an exhaustive account both in terms of numbers across the game, and in terms of how the portrayals and situations are weakened. You keep reducing it to 2/3.

To be clear, I'm using the 1/3 v 2/3 example of the Vanguard leaders because it is the most clear and dramatic and easily understood example in the game. It's a place where your philosophy is most evident because an equal split of 3 people is impossible. To imply anything else is moving into a realm of grossly unsubstantiated speculation. I don't think you mean to do that, so let's move forward.

Some Destiny players are female and it's worth wondering why, if Bungie so chooses, the world of Destiny does not have a gender balance similar to the world we live

The world I live in is not always 109% balanced in every situation. Back in grade school the majority of my teacher were women. Sexism?! Currently at work the vast majority of my coworkers are male. Sexism?! Even though the women are in positions of power? My immediate family is three males to one female. Should my brother have been a girl? While the worldwide balance may approach something like a 50/50 split each individual case rarely meets such a strict quota.

I guess my question is this-- if the Speaker was female, and 2 out of 3 Vanguards were female, and maybe one other vendor, how would you feel about it? Would you feel things were worse, somehow?

Nope. I wouldn't bat an eye at it. Because, again I place the treatment and portrayal of women above requiring writers meet a 50/50 split that is not always present in real life (for unavoidable, nonsexist reasons.)

Why isn't the question-- why are 2/3 of them male? Why is that the default?

The default should be to look at the treatment of men and women first and consider variations from the ideal 50/50 quota a long distant second.

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