
Absolutely! (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, September 28, 2015, 11:58 (3404 days ago) @ Quirel

Let's see here, how does the quote system work?

Not necessarily. However what harm would have there have been in making two out of three of them female instead of the other way around?

"We at Bungie would like to apologize to our fans. Our recent conduct has been blatantly unprofessional and unfair to the people who have supported us for twenty plus years. We promise to do better. In the future, the gender of our characters will be determined by a random number generator. We hope that this will prove sufficiently fair, or something like that."

It is important, but not sufficient. Bungie is far, far from the worst in this category. That doesn't make everything about Destiny's portrayals good, or make them immune from any and all criticism.

If that's the way you feel, go make your own game and show us how it's done. Or go direct a movie, or write a book, or scribe a comic.

Seriously? Your response to "Bungie isn't perfect" is "go make your own game"?

Sheesh, man, leave yourself somewhere else to go to. What if I had actually criticized them? How hurt would you feel then?

I suppose I've been kidding myself all this time that because Bungie's games were nowhere near as bad in this respect as the worst examples in the field, or even of the average mainstream game, that Bungie fans were as well. This thread seems to demonstrate otherwise, unfortunately.

Numbers do matter. If we had no or few capable or influential female characters in Destiny it might be time to take a closeer look at why. But we do have them. Several in fact. So yes, there appears to be a few less named female characters in Destiny, but not so few as to be a serious concern, in my opinon. But their treatment? Their portrayal? The things that I would submit are far more important that an exact balance of numbers? I think Bungie is doing just fine.

Bungie is doing better than most, but again, that doesn't mean that no criticisms are valid.

Doesn't mean that your criticism is valid either.

That wasn't at issue. I talked about how many characters there are, how they are portrayed and utilized within the game, and supported the OP's general position that there is an imbalance in Destiny's game world. That it exists is not a matter of opinion-- it is there. Whether that is a bad thing or not, or needs to be changed or addressed in any way, is a separate question. I was not addressing or supporting my criticism, I was just addressing a previous comment that did NOT address the criticism, but simply stated that since Bungie is good and Destiny is good then it can't be sexist. That is false. What makes the criticism valid is that it is supported by evidence. What can't be supported by analysis of the work is the assertion that since Bungie is better than others, they are perfect. They are not, and that is what my response was addressing.

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