
Not actually, no. (Destiny)

by narcogen ⌂ @, Andover, Massachusetts, Sunday, September 27, 2015, 23:41 (3448 days ago) @ someotherguy

Male - Crota, Skolas, Warpriest
Female - Ir Yut, Ir Anuk, Ir Halak, Oryx and technically Golgorath I believe?

Worst case scenario it's an even number.

Oryx? Grimoire uses a male pronoun for Oryx.

So the list goes:

Crota, Skolas, Warpriest, Oryx. (Atheon and the other Vex are referred to by neuter pronouns, so I guess unlike Exos, they aren't assigned gender. However, if you're counting Prison as a raid and Ir Yut as a "boss" even though she is not the final boss, then for the Prison you need to add Urrox. I'm unclear on Gulrot as there's no pronoun used and Ogres are iffy anyway.

So on the female list we have Ir Yut, Ir Anuk, Ir Halak, Balwur. So the ratio there comes closest (5:4) but "raid bosses" is a bit of an arbitrary distinction when compared to, say, all characters or all named characters as opposed to nameless NPCs, or characters that appear in cutscenes as compared to those who don't, etc etc.

Since the industry also tends to identify female characters by starting with a default male appearance and then adding something (although I am somewhat gratified that Bungie isn't always doing this) the problem with the neuter characters like the Vex is that they generally appear to the player as male characters do; so if you add in Atheon and the Gatekeeper then the balance shifts further against the ladies in the count.

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