
Not actually, no. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, September 28, 2015, 02:10 (3389 days ago) @ narcogen

Male - Crota, Skolas, Warpriest
Female - Ir Yut, Ir Anuk, Ir Halak, Oryx and technically Golgorath I believe?

Worst case scenario it's an even number.

Oryx? Grimoire uses a male pronoun for Oryx.

He's probably meant that Oryx was originally female.

Since the industry also tends to identify female characters by starting with a default male appearance and then adding something (although I am somewhat gratified that Bungie isn't always doing this) the problem with the neuter characters like the Vex is that they generally appear to the player as male characters do; so if you add in Atheon and the Gatekeeper then the balance shifts further against the ladies in the count.

Why only somewhat gratified?

Adding genderless characters to one side or the other's count is not right in a serious discussion like this one. If a race of machines is genderless just let it be genderless, for crying out loud! We aren't going to fix sexism by overbalancing... especially when we have to ignore the facts to do so! :/

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