
The cool thing about Destiny (Destiny)

by SonofMacPhisto @, Monday, September 28, 2015, 21:22 (3447 days ago) @ Avateur

As far as I can tell, one can play a Guardian that identifies their gender and sexuality however they like. I like Cody's point about his female Guardians kicking ass. How many other folks have their own Guardian (trans, bi, gay, female, male, whatever) doing the same?

That's neat.

I also can't remember many (or any) gender specific pronouns being there. It's all you, your, and Guardian.

Also neat.

I can really only speak about situations not my own from what I've heard and learned from others. Lived experience is powerful in these kind of discussions, I try to defer to that whenever and however I can. I'm just a straight dude.

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