
Absolutely! (Destiny)

by Quirel, Monday, September 28, 2015, 18:32 (3447 days ago) @ narcogen

Seriously? Your response to "Bungie isn't perfect" is "go make your own game"?

Of course not. My reaction to "Bungie should have more female characters to fill out a quota" is an invitation to step down from your soapbox and be the change you want to see.

A character's gender matters. If I write a story where the main character is female, it's because that gender fit that character. Could be a lot of reasons for it. But if their gender doesn't matter, it's because they aren't that important to begin with, and I have better things to do than make sure that every category on the diversity checklist is crossed out. Perhaps the writers of Destiny feel likewise.

Sheesh, man, leave yourself somewhere else to go to. What if I had actually criticized them? How hurt would you feel then?

Depends on what you're criticizing them for. There's a lot of stuff Bungie has done in the past few years that merit scrutiny. Not revamping their story to include a 50/50 gender divide ain't one of them.

I suppose I've been kidding myself all this time that because Bungie's games were nowhere near as bad in this respect as the worst examples in the field, or even of the average mainstream game, that Bungie fans were as well. This thread seems to demonstrate otherwise, unfortunately.

Oh, come on now, you're better than that.

That wasn't at issue. I talked about how many characters there are, how they are portrayed and utilized within the game, and supported the OP's general position that there is an imbalance in Destiny's game world. That it exists is not a matter of opinion-- it is there.

Yes, if we're talking about a purely demographic breakdown of the characters in Destiny, there is a disparity between male and female characters. Nobody is denying that the disparity exists. We are disputing that the disparity is inherently sexist or needs to be corrected.

And because we disagree, we are automatically as bad as the little shits who scream at women in multiplayer and send death threats? You have lost all sense of proportion.

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