
Not Underwhelmed with Rise of Iron Story Telling (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Friday, September 23, 2016, 13:13 (2800 days ago) @ Ragashingo

So, what say ye? I didn't write this not to hear your thoughts, so let's hear them.

I liked the story. I liked that we got to see the Fallen accomplish something with all their scavenging. Liked that we learned about the past before the City came into prominence. Liked that we now have a clear example of Rasputin working against humanity.

Agreed. I liked the story, it felt cut short in order to fit in what could be accomplished with the available resources. There's enough material here that this 'side story' could have been fleshed out into a full fledged TTK sized expansion. In fact, I feel this, in game, tells a story as big as TTK did, in game. The story telling is certainly improved over TTK and along with that my emotional engagement. If Destiny 2 ends up being equal to what a fully fleshed out version of this could be then I'll be very happy.

I wish they would have spent more time exploring Rasputin & his role in this. Was he really working against humanity? I'm not sure.

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