
But that contradicts known facts. (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, September 23, 2016, 22:17 (2799 days ago) @ Kermit
edited by Cody Miller, Friday, September 23, 2016, 22:36

Two very concrete examples:

1. Ghost Fragment: Vex, Ghost Fragment: Vex 2, and Ghost Fragment: Vex 3 all shipped with Destiny 1.0 and are part of the origin story of the Exo Stranger and the Future War Cult. How did Bungie not know the origin of the Exo Stranger if the game shipped with it?

Everything they wrote when it shipped was the extent to which they had planned anything out.

2. There's a game magazine interview with Jason Jones before the launch of Destiny where he talked about a huge ship in orbit of Saturn that was so big it would be its own destination. (I always forget which magazine it was in, but as a stand in here's an IGN article from Feb 2013 that talks about derelict fleets around Saturn and mile long Tomb Ships.) How can you claim there was no story outline if Oryx's arrival was slyly referenced more than two years before it happened?

Because the dreadnaught (and many other elements) was originally supposed to be in the initial release. You can verify this yourself by reading any of the articles about Destiny's development troubles, plus the reference in the 2013 video to going to Saturn. This was cut and repurposed for TTK.

Maybe you misheard what someone told you or you misinterpreted it? Maybe the person who told you these things wasn't in a position to know or told you something false to see what you would do with it? Maybe you're taking a partial truth and inflating it to be something it was never meant to be?

Or maybe you made it up.

The problem is, how can anybody tell if you what you claim is anywhere near the truth if you repeatedly refuse to give a source or a quote or a context?

Do you not see why I don't want to reveal sources yet? If you want footnotes, read the book when it comes out. You can ignore my posts and not believe them otherwise.

Don't you see how you dropping these nuggets of "truth" whenever it suits your purposes is a dick move? if you are going to fancy yourself an industry insider, or a journalist revealing the true story of Destiny's development, show a little discretion until you can tell a compete narrative that we can fairly judge. Also, you said your book is not about Destiny. So what the hell?

That is why I am posting things here when they are relevant. Like the AI created 30 seconds of fun tidbit and others. I think you are projecting. I want nothing to do with this industry. I'm just a fan of a company. The book will probably have very little to do with Dedtinys development.

As for discretion, rest assured that I am in fact being diligent and positive. This was a pretty common sense fact that was relevant to the discussion at hand. If it annoys you then I have no problem not contributing. The narrative is already pretty well laid out by articles already written by Kotaku and others.

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