
State of the Crucible (Destiny)

by Durandal, Wednesday, October 26, 2016, 12:20 (3042 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Make range and impact on shotguns inverse. Long rage on the low impact archtype, and low range on the high impact. Not my idea but when you think about it it makes so much goddamn sense.

Thanks :)

The only time I really rage at shotguns is when I get hit from ridiculous ranges. If you have a PC+1 or Matador with range perks, you are golden. If not, you suffer. I was trying out the raid shotgun in clash yesterday and I kept leaving warlocks with a sliver of life, and they would melee me and get their health back. Flipping impact/range would fix this.

Destiny PVP is very, very mobile. In fact Bungie has greatly reduced that mobility with the Titan skate and Hunter/Warlock blink nerfs in order to reduce the shotgun warrioring. The main problem these days is that with the range nerfs on primaries, it is still too easy to get within OHK range with a perfect shotgun.

I don't want the old Halo shotguns, where if you weren't 6 feet away it did no damage. Lord of Wolves and the Chaperone have good range, and you don't see people spamming either. The key is those don't OHK unless you get headshots, which is a bit more skill based.

Add in some more open maps, you rarely saw shotguns on First Light, for example, and we should be set. Right now I think Bungie's move away from large vehicle maps, because they couldn't balance interceptors like the did with Warthogs, ghosts and tanks in Halo, really puts the kibosh on the longer range specials outside of Trials and 3v3 game modes.

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