
Why Bungie Can't Get it Right (from a design standpoint) (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, October 27, 2016, 16:30 (3041 days ago) @ Harmanimus

While I have a great many things I disagree with in your post (and some I agree with at least in part) before I dive into the rest of the bag of cats I have to respond to this:

First: Our pvp designer flatly refused to make the guns stronger or weaker than they really were. He actually had quantified the amount of damage each gun could do based on projectile penetrations into ballistics gel. Rate of fire, recoil, ammo capacity, all similarly fixed in the name of historical accuracy.

Because utilizing potential energy and technical specifications for the purpose of historical accuracy while disregarding functional ballistics and erratic wound patterning and response (exsanguination, shock, CNS damage) really razzes my y berries. Especially in the contrxt of a game. Either MilSim it or go for game logic, don't try to do both.

I don't quite understand what you're saying. The game should have had a level of realistic damage that no game has ever achieved?

This was a game logic situation where the constraint was to find a way to balance weapons without changing them from historically accurate technical specs. The priority was still game balance, and if we couldn't find a way to do it then I'm sure we would have changed the stats to make weapons more fair, but we did find a way and it was largely successful.

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