
Not sure what game you've been playing... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 17:25 (2769 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY
edited by Ragashingo, Thursday, August 31, 2017, 17:31

NOT the game where my guardian screams "PUPPIES" before charging into battle.

The night before, as I raided with several DBOers, I made a point to yell the same silly phrase each time I killed an Oracle as we battles the Oracles then Templar in the Vault of Glass. It started out as something super silly. One of the others corrected be to something a bit more classy, and I used that short phrase over and over again. And it came in handy later as we were banging our heads against the Templar.

“Why is this so hard?” Someone asked.

“Because we always stood across the way with Icebreakers before” someone answered.

We failed over and over again, but then I shifted positions and focused on killing left side Oracles and the first one I killed I said my silly phrase and the entire group laughed. I don’t even remember what the phrase was now, something short like “hoorah” but with a bit more silliness and less military-ness. It was just a you had to be there in the moment type thing but it was fun to do and it helped keep the others similing and laughing and enjouying the Raid.

I’m one of the most dedicated around here to lore and tone, I got 31+ articles and 20,000 page views from them to prove it. But I’d also scream PUPPIES while charging into battle if it felt right. Like it did last night.

You seriously gotta lighten up man. Allow for a mix of serious and playful. We can have Sargent Johnson saying “Bip Bap Bam!” In commercials and still have ODST be one of the best and darkest entires in the Halo series. Just like Cayde-6 can hog more than his fair share of advertising time but Destiny 2 still be a game with a serious story to tell.

And this whole thing about false advertising? That’s pure crap and you know it.


Ah, the phrase was Huzzah! But said mostly in that way you’d say it if you were using it as a slowly repeating cheer if you were part of the crew of the HMS Surprise in the Master and Commander movie.

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