
When considering adaptations . . . (Gaming)

by Harmanimus @, Monday, March 19, 2018, 17:23 (2550 days ago) @ ZackDark

I think it is important, as Cody even put it, to be thinking about what can be gained from taking something from one medium and putting it in another. In the same regard that a novelization also adds to a feature film, etc. I don't see how it is more important to consider how they will condense it relative to what new things can be brought to the story.

Even without the suggestion of additional narrative threads or a movie set around the events of the game there is a lot to consider. In this situation I will point out that 90 minutes is about all the cut scenes of The Last of Us (per a quick google) all strung together. Given the scope of the story I can see it easily getting the merit of a 120-140 minute movie, easily. If you toss in about 15 minutes of action sequences (as repeatedly building on the same structural gameplay combat is not inherently conducive to good cinema) And you easily get 15-35 minutes you can expand on, tweak, improve, or otherwise inform the sequences of events.

Not making a personal judgement here, I just think that it is more than fair to suggest that even a game that takes that long to complete can be brought into the scope of a standard movie.

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