
Remakes, Remasters, and the ethics of preservation (Gaming)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, December 10, 2020, 09:43 (1555 days ago) @ ManKitten

But if it were a movie where there was a discretion made, that wasn't integral to the story and was more of a "times were different then" then that could be argued for a change. I also concede that many many many times, this notion goes way overboard.

I don't think that is intellectually or culturally honest though.

If you as a creator make a work that is "problematic", I feel like you should need to stand by it and answer for that. You could learn from it and not do the problematic thing moving forward, but to pretend like it didn't exist or your original intent was something different is simply not right. Art is a really good lens into the minds of the people and culture that created it, and so it's very valuable in being able to understand historical context. Where we've been. Where we are going. Preserving it is very important for the benefit of everyone.

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