
Agree... (Gaming)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Thursday, December 10, 2020, 17:12 (1554 days ago) @ cheapLEY
edited by ManKitten, Thursday, December 10, 2020, 17:15

Being offended is not as bad as being thought of as a child who can't handle being offended.

Ah shit, that person just wants people to quit making shitty jokes at their expense. What a fucking baby!

The fact that you would consider someone to be child because they dare ask for the bare minimum of respect is honestly pretty disappointing.

I think at this point you are both deviating from the issue. There are two sides here that can exist, and it seems modern society is forgetting that.

Side 1: Presents a piece that is offensive or not.
Side 2: Can be offended or not.

Our current knowledge is based on our past experiences. We can't change the past but we can change the future. Don't forget the past...use it to mold the future. In the spirit of this topic, both the original game and the "remastered" game can exist. You can choose which version you prefer. You are not entitled to both. It's your choice to partake in one, the other, neither or both. What you can't do, is call out the ethics of someone for their choice. Especially if it's the entity that created the original piece. Now, every situation is different so you can't make a blanket statement that covers it all. But in an effort to simplify a topic that is inherently vague...how you interpret said piece of [art] is up to you. There is no social contract that everyone else will agree with you.

[Edit: I guess you CAN call out the ethics...hence this thread....but that falls under free speech, which I also support. Again, ethics can be subjective.]

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