
Give me a break. (Gaming)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, December 10, 2020, 17:04 (1387 days ago) @ cheapLEY

The creators of something voluntarily changing some jokes that are sort of shitty in hindsight only meets the most ridiculous definition of censorship, one which renders the real definition of the word all but meaningless. Let’s be real here.

I know nothing about the game or jokes in question, but I suspect Cody would say that in some sense they're censoring gaming history. It was your last statement that stopped me, honestly. I've already stated my ideas about how I see "problematic" and "art" as existing hand in hand, and I stand by that. Love ya, cheap, and I'm not picking on you, but 30 years ago free speech advocates your age avidly defended as "art" the works of Robert Mapplethorpe against old squares who saw it as "shitty." My subject line was informed by the irony of how the worm has turned, and probably came across as more flippant than I intended.

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