
Agree... (Gaming)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Thursday, December 10, 2020, 16:10 (1554 days ago) @ Cody Miller

with just about every point. Never played that particular game, but if the jokes make it unpalatable or unmarketable in 2020, it's a question as to why it's being given the "remaster" treatment.

I'm hoping that emulators will eventually take care of your greater concern--the preservation of game history.

There's a larger debate to be had about problematic art. We have this self-serving notion that our present state of "enlightenment" is part of some straight-line progression. Call it the arrogance of the present moment. I have little doubt that whomever looks back at 2020 in 100 years will think that the majority of us living now were batshit crazy about a large number of things, and if you think your current certainties won't be judged that way, you're even more likely than average to be wrong--that's why I'm calling it arrogance. Art does not serve easy narratives. At its best, it reflects the reality of a time in a way that side-steps whatever historical revisionism has been fashioned to flatter those now walking on the dust of those who came before.

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