Damage Mechanics (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 06:53 (3792 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I think wanting more info is fine. I too want more info. I think it's another thing to question whether not telling us everything now is a sign that Bungie may not be confident in their gameplay.

Simple question, then: what reason have they for being so reluctant to discuss something so integral to how Destiny will play? It's a first person shooter and they don't want to tell us how damage works. Doesn't that strike you as odd?

I highly doubt Bungie will let us go even into the beta without info on Destiny's core mechanics, but even if they did we will certainly know how everything works by the time they ask us for our money.

Preorders are asking us for our money (even if you have the freedom to cancel, it's still ultimately a tentative commitment to buy).

Not talking about new products until their day of introduction is Apple's standard operating procedure and in no way a sign that things have gone wrong or that they're worried.

True, but it's also a measure of arrogance: iOS 7 was not a universal success and Apple is already starting to backtrack on various decisions they made. Would the product have been better if they'd not decided to wait until they'd already committed to these decisions before sharing them with developers? I'd say the answer is unequivocally yes.

Ultimately, do you think we'll make it to the beta without knowing how Destiny's core gameplay works, or do you just want to know now instead of a bit later?

I'm concerned that Bungie feels it's okay to not talk about certain elements of gameplay until the beta is in peoples’ hands, yes. As I keep saying, this is not about impatience. It's about the trajectory and commitment to what may prove to be sub-optimal design decisions.

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