
Damage Mechanics (Destiny)

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 13:52 (4079 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I think wanting more info is fine. I too want more info. I think it's another thing to question whether not telling us everything now is a sign that Bungie may not be confident in their gameplay.

Simple question, then: what reason have they for being so reluctant to discuss something so integral to how Destiny will play? It's a first person shooter and they don't want to tell us how damage works. Doesn't that strike you as odd?

No. Remind me what other FPS games talked about firing cones and stuff like that prerelease, because I can think of zero.

I've been pushing for more information on Destiny for a while (the GameInformer stuff has left me mostly sated for now), but I agree with Cody that demanding the details of bullet spread right now is unreasonable, as was your previous demand for specific armor values and other things related to minmaxing.

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