Damage Mechanics (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 09:50 (3792 days ago) @ electricpirate

This is the kind of thing that gets iterated on countless times. I would imagine the specifics of how spread cones, weapon ROF, reload systems, how enemies take damage, how aim assist works, how bloom works, how ADS effects things, and how weapons change as they upgrade are being constantly changed. Not only that, as other variables have changed around them, I would bet differrent systems have disapered and reappeared. That's just the iterative process of game design. I'd be fairly sure that they have some general parameters, and a general feel now, but many specific mechanics are in flux.

I'm sure you're right. I don't understand why they wouldn't discuss any of that though, unless it's still at a very nascent stage, which surely it isn't any more?

I think you are focusing on the wrong thing here, but getting at a very real issue. Your entire post is ostensibly asking to hear more about mechanics, but every one of your points revolves around the balance between player skill and avatar power. That's the question we need some clarification on! Other than some platitudes, Bungie hasn't given us much on this subject *at all.* We know that there's this content designed for high level characters, will that be impossible like in WoW or Diablo, or will we be seeing level 1 runs like in Dark souls? This is the kind of subject they can and should be talking about in a more concrete way at this point, as it's foundational to Destiny's success.

I'm focusing on one particular aspect of what you mention, but yes it all ties in together. We simply don't know how it'll work overall and that feels unsettling this late on.

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