Damage Mechanics (Destiny)

by kapowaz, Tuesday, December 17, 2013, 11:22 (3792 days ago) @ Ragashingo

I'm so bored of this tedious Fisking. Once again the same old trope emerges: thou shalt not question the infallibility of Bungie.

Here's the crux of it: somebody asked for clarification about damage mechanics and rather than address it, Deej wrote a patronising non-answer, presumably under the impression it was funny (it wasn't, it was condescending and smart alec-esque).

I'm trying to draw attention - civilly - to this, and hopefully coax out some more sensible exchange. But it's seemingly impossible because as seems typical the sycophants on this forum see it as an attack on Bungie and so try to discredit the arguments instead of fostering a more open approach from Bungie.

I'm fed up of it, so I guess I'm out.

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