
Oh please let this be April Fools Day +10 (Destiny)

by Revenant1988 ⌂ @, How do I forum?, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 08:38 (4002 days ago) @ Cody Miller

Times change.

Bungie isn't the small indi studio it was in the 90's. It's a full blown company. It's grown. People got scared when Microsoft got involved, and it turned out to be a good thing. Time will tell if it remains a good thing.

It's too early to tell with the current parties involved.

On HBO, I'm probably seen by some as a rose colored glasses guy these days- I'm not. I just choose to be positive because it's too easy to be negative.

So on one point, I agree with Levi.

But I also agree with Kap on some points too, which is why I don't frequent DBO much at present.

But this is big news today.

News of this nature was sure to elicit an emotional response, both from the "Bungie can do no wrong" crowd and the "You've changed, man!\things ain't as good as they used to be" crowd.

The key, will be keeping to the middle and wading through the hype, as it always should be.

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