
Oh please let this be April Fools Day +10 (Destiny)

by uberfoop @, Seattle-ish, Wednesday, April 16, 2014, 14:00 (4002 days ago) @ stabbim

Yes, there is the "without cause" phrase, but keep in mind that's coming from the person who was let go. It's possible that statement is disingenuous, and even if it isn't, Marty not knowing a reason doesn't necessarily mean there wasn't one.

There probably isn't even a question of disengenuousness here. "Without cause" doesn't mean there literally wasn't a reason behind it, it's a common legal term used with termination when the company doesn't officially/openly/whatever specify.
"Terminated without cause" just specifies the type of action taken by the company. It would be a bit strange for Marty to lie about that.

Obviously there was a cause, we just have no idea what it was.

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