
Iron Banner communication was great (Destiny)

by RC ⌂, UK, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 11:02 (3742 days ago) @ unoudid

Such a simple little detail would have helped keep thousands of people from getting completely pissed off for having to re-level their weapons.

Communication from Bungie has been piss poor for a while now. It seems like they forgot how to deal with the public after they "went dark" leading up to destiny.

I don't think that's true. The Iron Banner changes were communicated well. "Here's why were changing it" - "Here's what we're thinking of doing" - "What do you think?" Reaction was good. Test. Deploy month afterward to standing ovation.

I really don't like getting new info on my games from 3rd party sources (game news sites). I would much prefer that Bungie always told us directly what they're thinking of doing.

But it sometimes seems like DeeJ doesn't get enough information, far enough advance and isn't allowed to release it until some BS exclusivity deal with said 3rd party sources.

I mean, how the hell does Datto seem to know more about it (that upgraded exotics start at 300, which lessens the sting only a little) than what was presented to us directly from Bungie?

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