
About exotics and levels (Destiny)

by DiscipleN2k @, Edmond, OK, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 15:20 (3741 days ago) @ kidtsunami

exotic weapon bounties should not be random.

Especially since the exotics have LORE to them. Great way to roll more of the Grimoire into the game! Make them sidequests.

oh man, what I would give for exotic bounties to be things you find like the dead ghosts, with friends helping you find one that you heard was awesome

This is what I expected when they said you'd have a story to tell when people asked about your awesome gear.

"I was doing the daily bounties when I happened to come across a lost ghost. It was long dead, but we were able to get information about where its guardian fell to a nearby group of Cabal. I fought my way through the Cabal camp and found the fallen guardian, but discovered that the group's commander had claimed a trophy from the defeated guardian and was promoted to lead an elite group of Cabal majors. My ghost was able to tap into Cabal radio communications and locate the commander and his new squad. After tracking him to the other side of the planet and fighting my way through wave after wave of Centurians and Collosus..es? Collosi? Whatever. There were lots of them. And I killed them all and their commander and I reclaimed the fallen guardian's weapon, the beautiful and deadly Gjallarhorn, as my own."

Instead we get, "I was playing crucible with a bunch of randoms and went 1 and 15 and this Godzilla horn thing shows up at the end. Pretty cool, right?"

It's a tiny bit disappointing.


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