
But the new info is still pretty terrible?... (Destiny)

by iconicbanana, C2-H5-OH + NAD, Portland, OR, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 12:58 (3741 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Otherwise we'd all have a full inventory of 323 weapons by christmas :)

And do you know why that is a bad thing?

There is certainly an argument to be made that the expansion should just be about delivering more stuff to do; that character progression should be about adding more options, not gaining power. For better or worse, Destiny is clearly not that kind of game.

Personally, I enjoy the climb through the upper ranks. The feeling I get of increasing my character's power, range of abilities, finding newer and deadlier weapons... it's all part of the fun for me. So I want that to continue. Farming for materials was always a drag, but I don't mind a slow progression as long as I can progress by doing things I enjoy.

Now I totally understand why some people don't enjoy this kind of game. But this is what Destiny has been from the start. If I didn't enjoy this style of progression, I wouldn't be playing Destiny :)

So if Bungie took away the grind, and made it simple to acquire high end gear...the game wouldn't be as enjoyable to you? What does that say about the game once you have that gear?

Maybe a question to extrapolate from that: if the game is fun because of the challenge of beating the toughest content to get the best gear, is it less fun once you get the best gear? Why is it less fun?

I don't really have answers, and I don't know if there are, these are just the questions I think Bungie should be asking themselves, and I don't think they care.

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