I do this too.. (Destiny)

by ckamp, Friday, December 05, 2014, 08:43 (3741 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

This is one of several reasons that I don't find Exotic weapons to be such a big deal overall. There are a select few that truly earn their exotic slot (Icebreaker, Gjallarhorn, perhaps Invective and Suros Regime for Crucible). Other than that, I prefer to focus on a good selection of maxed out legendary weapons, since I can mix and match them in whatever combination I want.

I also may be odd, but I almost never use my exotics while I'm leveling them. I just switch to them when I turn in bounties or just before the end of a mission for an XP drop or if I'm on patrol. I've never really felt that I've been grinding them as a result. They just come out fully leveled after about a week or so. I'm fine with churning out one exotic a week. Frankly any more would be overwhelming.

Obviously this doesn't address the feeling of starting over on something you've already invested into, but I guess I just never felt like I was grinding for exotics in the first place so the sting is a bit less.

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