
But the new info is still pretty terrible?... (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 14:17 (3741 days ago) @ iconicbanana

So if Bungie took away the grind, and made it simple to acquire high end gear...the game wouldn't be as enjoyable to you? What does that say about the game once you have that gear?

I wouldn't say that it would be less enjoyable, just different. I love Destiny's moment-to-moment combat (at higher levels... lower levels are a real drag). If you stripped out all the RPG progression mechanics and handed me Destiny: The straightforward Shooter, I think it would be very cool.
But I do really like the meta-narrative that forms in my head as I make my own personal progression through the levels. I love the feeling that comes with fighting tooth and nail to complete a mission, earning a sweet piece of gear as a reward, then coming back a week later with that weapon upgraded and cackling with glee as I use it to rip through the mission that gave me such a tough time before.

Maybe a question to extrapolate from that: if the game is fun because of the challenge of beating the toughest content to get the best gear, is it less fun once you get the best gear? Why is it less fun?

I don't find it less enjoyable. As I said, using the new powerful weapons is part of the fun for me. I think the people who play the game with more of a "completionist" approach are the ones who tend to lose interest as soon as they have the best stuff, because there is nothing new to chase.

I don't really have answers, and I don't know if there are, these are just the questions I think Bungie should be asking themselves, and I don't think they care.

I think it's safe to say they definitely are asking those questions... they just might be settling on answers that don't please everyone ;)

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