
But the new info is still pretty terrible?... (Destiny)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 15:36 (3741 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

It's a shame. I love the strikes, the raid, and a bit of crucible from time to time, but most of the story missions are quite dull. I's taken me until now to get my 2nd character up to level 19 because I just can't stand replaying the 1-20 content. It really is awful compared to the endgame content.

If the story missions were more inherently enjoyable, I think a lot of the hate thrown at Destiny would never have existed.

I enjoy the story missions and look forward to seeing what's the new Daily every day. I now kinda view them as one big, unique Patrol mission with cool music.

That said, most of them don't measure up anywhere close to say, a Bungie Halo campaign level, but they're still good compared to your average game.

My favorites:

Earth: The Last Array - that final encounter with the music, dropships, and array opening really gets my trigger finger going!

Moon: Sword of Crota - ...cuzz sword. Back in my day, we didn't have swords showing up in every hole on Earth!

Venus: The Assassination of the Winter Kell (can't remember what the actual name of the level is at the moment, though I think it's the Daily right now)

And pretty much every Mars mission. I love the planet and its various skyboxes, and the Cabal and their music are the best in the game. It's probably also my favorite place to Patrol.

The introduction of the Vex and the very first level of the game were pretty great as introductions for new players, but they don't hold my attention much any longer.

I hope we get more unique activities for story missions in the future, taking us new places and fighting new things in a variety of ways. I'd also kill for some long, exciting vehicle segments! Here's hoping Expansion II will give Bungie enough time to attempt that. :)

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