
Iron Banner communication was great (Destiny)

by unoudid @, Somewhere over the rainbow, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 11:28 (3742 days ago) @ RC

I don't think that's true. The Iron Banner changes were communicated well. "Here's why were changing it" - "Here's what we're thinking of doing" - "What do you think?" Reaction was good. Test. Deploy month afterward to standing ovation.

The second round of Iron Banner was great. They did pass that information on in a good enough manner. However, besides offering level 30 boots and arm pieces there wasn't any major changes that affect the game system wide.

But it sometimes seems like DeeJ doesn't get enough information, far enough advance and isn't allowed to release it until some BS exclusivity deal with said 3rd party sources.

It seems like there are severe communication issues internally. How the heck can they think it's alright to upgrade exotic leveling on a friday(?) and a then completely change that again a few days later? If they would have released the new leveling details (both exotic shards and resetting current exotics) at the same time then I wouldn't be as mad about this.

As it stands now, I'm down two extra exotic weapons I sharded to upgrade an Icebreaker and a Suros to level 300. If the new leveling systems would have been communicated all at once I could have made an informed decision to hold off dismantling weapons for future upgrades.

I mean, how the hell does Datto seem to know more about it (that upgraded exotics start at 300, which lessens the sting only a little) than what was presented to us directly from Bungie?

Again, If Datto knows about this then why did Bungie not release this information at the same time as they released information about resetting your weapons?

My reaction to the reset was that I would have to downgrade my icebreaker to a lower level than it currently is. I was guessing somewhere in the 270-280's base damage which would essentially make it harder to raid with.

The lack of communication here is just baffling. They want us to invest our time and money into this game so why can't they just tell us the relevant information we need to make informed decisions.

Iron Banner #1 was a complete waste of time since they hyped everything up and then dropped the ball. The Queen's Wrath was worthless also (even though I still enjoy the shader). Now, the whole exotic leveling system and it's piecemeal information. Deej's comment about player reactions being wrong was just icing on the cake. I realize that was a poor choice of wording and he posted the correction, but it was too little, too late for ticking people off.

I would hate to be in Deej's shoes right now. Cryptic communication can be a blast (ARGs for example), but on major game changing features they need to keep people informed so they can make decisions on how to spend their extremely valuable free time.

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