
Guns as reward, not tools (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, December 04, 2014, 18:27 (3741 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Doing what you suggest could lead to a very cool game, but it would certainly sacrifice some of the RPG nature of Destiny; some of the personal choice and freedom. I LIKE the fact that we go in to the raid with 6 people, all of whom are able to select the weapons that work best for them in the rolls they have decided to play. If the raid required weapons X,Y & Z, it would become a far more predictable experience, would it not? As it stands right now, every time I play the raid with a different group we need to adjust our strategy because nobody has the same tool set.

I'm not saying you'd NEED specific weapons, just that you'd need to use all the tools available in original combinations.

I know I talk about Deus Ex a lot, but look at the end. Area 51. It's impossible to do unless you build up your character, however you can do it in a bunch of different ways depending on your build. Still, you are required to creatively use your augmentation and skill combos because the challenges are intense, and it's an impenetrable military fortress.

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