
But the new info is still pretty terrible?... (Destiny)

by dogcow @, Hiding from Bob, in the vent core., Thursday, December 04, 2014, 15:27 (3741 days ago) @ iconicbanana

Maybe a question to extrapolate from that: if the game is fun because of the challenge of beating the toughest content to get the best gear, is it less fun once you get the best gear? Why is it less fun?

So, on Tuesday night I ran the raid on normal with my level 30. I don't believe that running it on normal is really going to get me much to help me. To be completely honest, the drive to play that character lessened once I hit 30. I've been spending more time with my alts because I finally hit 30. A funny thing happened though, I had a blast playing through the raid on normal with my level 30. Why? I figure a couple reasons, 1- it was fun seeing how much tougher I am at 30, 2- The raid is just plain fun, working together with teammates to overcome a challenge. It's just good fun.

TL;DR: I still have lots of fun at level 30, but the drive/addiction for the upgrade is gone.

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