
Sandbox Update coming soonish (Destiny)

by BeardFade ⌂, Portland, OR, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 13:21 (3657 days ago) @ JDQuackers

I really enjoyed reading that, and that feels like a very accurate assessment of what's happening.

I think ARs could use a small buff, they seem weak to me. For example, if I'm in close quarters and I start firing before a FR has begun charging and I land all of my hits, I believe the AR should win. FR timing needs to be a premium and thus if they are charging and firing before I acquire them as a target, that's fine. But it really grinds my gears to be full-auto, body hits (I know aim for the head, some of us don't have magic thumbs that can always hit a headshot!) probably 5-6 rounds already, and to hear them charge and fire and kill me with one shot. I think this should be balanced here.

I agree wholeheartedly with Hand Cannon nerfs. A hand cannon isn't meant to be a long range weapon.

PRs will be fun to try after this. I've had some luck with them, but they are weak right now.

SRs most of them fire too slowly I find. I did have a green a few weeks ago (started a new character) that had a fire rate as fast as I could pull the trigger and that was pretty devastating. If more SRs had a higher fire rate, I'd use them in PvP more.

I like what they are doing with FRs and even SGs. Not much for me to say there.

What I didn't see, and disappointed because I love using them, is any talk of Sniper Rifles. Give us more maps that can use Sniper Rifles! Come on, there's really 2 maps in the Control rotation even worth using them on (Shores of Time and Blind Watch). Anything else is a Shotgun/Fusion Rifle fest.

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