
High ROF Autorifles (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 19:59 (3658 days ago) @ Cody Miller

If you look at the notes, they're getting the least nerfing, of all the auto rifle families.

And no, they don't suck. Why's everybody think they suck? They're for a specific playstyle, that apparently doesn't match your own. Which, you know, shouldn't be a surprise. If you love scout rifles and hand cannons, and someone hands you a bullet hose, you're probably not going to be as good with it. Conversely, I wouldn't be that great with a The Devil You Know if you handed it to me. That doesn't make TDYK bad, it just means it's not the right playstyle for me.

The nature of a ridiculously large magazine (72 bullets on Doctor Nope. I wonder if anyone ever rolled one with Field Scout...) means that it can cover the kinds of mistakes I make pretty well. Perhaps the reaction to that is "Oh, see, it's just a nooby type of gun for people who aren't that great, anyone sufficiently skilled would be able to do better with a slow-firer". I would dispute that. If one thinks skill=headshots, then yeah, I guess I'm not that skilled. But I do alright with that kind of gun. Hell, I've countersniped people using short bursts from Doctor Nope and cover, on occasion, which should be freakin' impossible.

They don't suck. I'm tired of seeing people say they suck. They're very good at what they do, it just so happens that that isn't what you want your guns to do. I could swallow this better if it was "Oh I hate these kinds of guns" and not "These kinds of gun are terrible". And I see a lot of people saying the latter in a lot of places, and I suppose I just finally felt like tossing up a filibuster on the subject instead of just saying "playstyle".

They have relatively low Stability. It's not that hard, for me, to compensate for that. They have a lot of bullets. If you're playing coy around the corner with someone, you can start shooting early and not really waste much. You can tear through mobs with them in PvE, if you do it right; get close, toss a lot of punches/knives/force palms, and shoot up anything and everything. It's great for softening up a swords-wielding Vandal so that you can take 'em out with a well-placed melee, or at least beat them back with the first one to take 'em out with the second. Not so much sword Knights, though. If someone's running away from you in Crucible, you'll probably not be caught needing to reload as often. If you get two ammo boosts via armor, you'll be able to carry 999 bullets, and pick up a ridiculous amount with every pack.

So, maybe, just maybe, it's not the guns, it's you.

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