
High ROF Autorifles (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Friday, February 06, 2015, 14:52 (3660 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

They have relatively low Stability. It's not that hard, for me, to compensate for that. They have a lot of bullets. If you're playing coy around the corner with someone, you can start shooting early and not really waste much. You can tear through mobs with them in PvE, if you do it right; get close, toss a lot of punches/knives/force palms, and shoot up anything and everything.

Get in close? Maybe if you're doing patrol or playing low level stuff, but as the difficulty goes up, so does the optimal range. I'd love to see you do a nightfall with such an autorifle. I'd love to see you do Crota with such an autorifle. I'd even love to see you do a level 30 daily as fast or faster than a handcannon / scout rifle with such an autorifle.

High level stuff has too much HP and is too damaging. It matters more to actually kill enemies more quickly. Hand cannon kills after 1 bullet. You have to empty 20 or 30 from your autorifle. Meanwhile I'm aiming at another enemy, and you have to reload.

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