
High ROF Autorifles - Blanket Nerfs are a Bad Idea (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 22:14 (3656 days ago) @ Kahzgul

There are many other autorifles that are completely, utterly, totally worthless in both PvP and PvE due to a combination of high rate of fire, low stability, and minimal impact. Nechrochasm, Doctor Nope, Silimar's Wrath... all are garbage. Killing *anything* with one of these weapons falls into the "chore" category, rather than "fun."

You're kinda unequivocally wrong here. They're not completely, utterly, totally worthless in both PvP and PvE. They're not garbage. Using them isn't a chore, at least not for me. I believe you that they are for you, and that you can't get headshots or kills with them worth crap. But that doesn't mean that noone can. So you probably shouldn't say that noone can.

This is just a really weird exercise in hyperbole and people conflating something being a thing they personally dislike with something being actually objectively worse. I should probably step out of it, now, as I've said the same thing in multiple places by now.

EDIT: On your point on blanket nerfs, yes, they're a bad design move. But they did mention that the auto rifles were tweaked (roughly?) proportional to their Rate of Fire, so they weren't paying no attention to it.

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