More confirmation (Destiny)

by Dagoonite, Somewhere in Iowa, lost in a cornfield., Thursday, February 05, 2015, 22:30 (3537 days ago) @ stabbim

With TDYD, I can reliably snipe from halfway across the map once I get warmed up.* It's why the moon is one of my favorite places to grind Bounties -- things will run out of their spawns/over the hill/etc and I can kill them from the "sniper tower" with ease.** Splash damage and ammo directly back into the magazine means I can keep it up for quite a while, too. Just wait until I'm down to one reload left or finish my mission and head out to collect the mats.***

This nerf is literally going to kill me, I think. ****

* Vex don't count. I have serious trouble precision hitting Vex no matter the range.
** Assuming that Fallen don't shoot me from behind.
*** Manipulating Patrol missions so that I have three collection or genocide missions to collect is fun, and it means I have gobs of ammo for other weapons after a Defend the Warsat event.
**** Not literally. Nobody likes a pedant.

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