
Don't understand (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 14:34 (3661 days ago) @ Cody Miller

The nerf to hand cannon range is strange. You want to keep people from just using autorifles in crucible, and hand cannons, the one weapon that can rock an auto rifle player, gets a nerf to range. I will admit that the Devil You Know with Send It is really effective in crucible, sometimes absurdly so, but overall did it really present that much of a problem in practice? It sounds like one of those changes that is meant to fit the ideal, rather than the reality.

Everything else I can live with. I'm eager to play around with the pulse rifles after the changes, especially since I basically got all of them on Tuesday running the nightfall except for coiled hiss.

When you admit that a gun is absurdly good it might be time for a nerf. When I use a hand cannon I go with a sniper rifle for range anyway so this likely won't hurt me one bit.

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