A Wo/Man after my own heart! (Destiny)

by someotherguy, Hertfordshire, England, Sunday, February 08, 2015, 03:03 (3535 days ago) @ Kahzgul

Nice work! Yep - weapons in the same family/class/whatever share an (almost) Identical DpS in the Crucible, which is a nice balance I didn't initially anticipate back in September. Cydonia will always be my personal choice simply because of it's Stability, but if you're more skilled than I am (extremely doable - 1.38 K/D) you could feasibly use any AR just as well - but you might be handicapping yourself (playstyle caveat etc.)

Also worth noting that the most important stat for PvE is relative magazine size (by relative I mean that the Vanquisher's paltry 22 rounds is equivalent to 44 Sahara rounds). If all ARs of equal level deal equal DpS, it's important to deal that damage for as long as possible before reloading. Without Field Scout that actually puts a Sahara at an advantage, assuming your target is close enough.

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