
High ROF Autorifles - Blanket Nerfs are a Bad Idea (Destiny)

by RaichuKFM @, Northeastern Ohio, Friday, February 06, 2015, 13:38 (3658 days ago) @ Kahzgul

I just timed a whole magazine, it takes about five seconds, according to my physical analogue watch. Someone with a stopwatch might want to test it to get something more exact. You were right, 11 damage (not quite point blank, but should have been within that range).

But the thing is that I just, after testing this, got a kill that I wouldn't have with Up For Anything, mainly because of the bullet spam. Which is very useful, to me. It's basically the big draw, obviously. I don't have much trouble staying on target, and I'm not encountering the dropoff basically ever in PvP, so those are moot to me. When I do lose track of target or panic, it's better than it could be because I can just spam fire with little penalty, and in fact it drops me into the lower magazine which lets me take advantage of Glass Half Full, which I have, but that's a personal tactic. Which is the kind of thing I was meaning to talk about with "playstyle".

So I'll believe you that the pure DPS is inferior. But I can take advantage of the fact that I can fire nonstop for five whole seconds if need be, and there's really no point during that where bullets aren't coming out. Or that I have more bursts en potentia. Up For Anything has barely over half the bullets Doctor Nope does, so its firing rate has to be rather... less. Or it'd eat through magazines like crazy. I don't have it, so I can't crunch the numbers, but how long can it pull sustained fire? For The People and Do Gooder V have even smaller magazines, less than half of Doctor Nope.

The fact that there's ~14 bullets being shot over the course of one second lets me be mobile whilst shooting someone else who's mobile without much worry about missing, I'unno. It works for me, and I like the feel of it. Even if it's worse, it's still not bad, it has its own upsides which I take full advantage of, and this way I get accustomed to one gun for PvE, and then that same gun for PvP. And, what I think is probably the most important, it's really freaking fun to just shoot a stream of bullets for forever, lemme tell you.

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