
High ROF Autorifles (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, February 05, 2015, 21:32 (3661 days ago) @ RaichuKFM

I also have used High RoF Autorifles, and they're not as good as you're making them out to be. Unwilling Soul was my weapon of choice, because of the "becomes more accurate the longer it is fired" perk, but it ran through all 72 rounds in just about 2 seconds, so it never had time for the perk to really kick in before I had to reload. Also, it would take me, literally, a full clip to kill someone in PvP with it, assuming I hit them most of the time and was at point blank range. The performance of the gun resulted in a 50/50 time split between firing and reloading, and if I fired any amount of bullets at all, I had to reload in order to have any chance of killing the next person I fought.

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