
Another Plea To Bungie, Re: Join In Progress Sanity (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 02:12 (3517 days ago)

Matchmaking Sanity Filters.

I've been on this topic for a long while now, but unlike a lot of things in Destiny, this is still not fixed. First, what am I talking about? I very much would like to see the join in progress matchmaking get some very basic rules in place to prevent sheer idiocy. What kind of idiocy? Like me losing a match before my ship has even started its decent from orbit![/i] That's right, I got a loss complete with an Iron Banner Medallion before I was able to play one billionth of a second. That's utter crap. It's stupid and ridiculous and infuriating.

So, what do I expect? Well, when I select a Crucible playlist and press "Launch" I really wish for a full length game that is both fair and fun. Being more realistic, at a minimum I would like to play roughly half a game so I feel like I was able to make a contribution and I would like there to be basic assurances that any game I get starts at least somewhat fair to me. By that I mean that I should be joined in to a relatively even game, not one that is already lot before I get there. Obviously, getting a perfect join every time is impossible. But I would rather wait another minute in orbit if it means I'll get a game where I actually, you know, get to play a single second.

Starting very simple, here is the only rule I think is essential:

- Only join in progress if the game is less than half over as judged by time or score erring a bit on the low side to account for the time it takes to actually load and spawn into a level.

From there things like score differential could be taken into account. If a game is 10,000 to 1,000 then I would much prefer to wait than to simply get stomped into the ground for reasons outside my control. Where should the limit be placed? How far apart is too far and how far isn't? I don't know. That would have to be felt out by looking at historical comeback trends and maybe even a bit of trial and error.

Anyway, that's my rant for the night. Hope you enjoyed it. :)

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