I don't understand you people at all. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Monday, June 08, 2015, 20:18 (3515 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Join in Progress is always going to be joining you into a game where your team is either behind or ahead, that won't ever change and that's not a bad thing. I've certainly come from behind once I get more people filling out my team. What is bad is that there is apparently no basic check that tries to judge whether there is enough time left to join new players into a game.

I think that's actually the crux of the discussion here - I don't think ANYONE is arguing with you that being dropped into a game that's about to end is an IDEAL situation. (Most of us on my side of the issue are saying that the negatives involved with that situation are outweighed by the positives that an extra player can bring, overall.)

Coming up with the point of no return is HARD. I don't think I've ever seen a post that picks a time that's made me say "yeah, that works, across the board." You started with "after 5 minutes" - and then conceded that that might be too short. But what's NOT too short? 10 minutes? 7 minutes? A certain score range before the end? A score range with a max delta? Something even MORE complicated?

Nobody's come up with an answer that really works yet - including Bungie. So they just say "join ANY game in progress where the rest of the parameters are a close match". Which works for me, but clearly not for you. ;)

To address CyberKN's issue of Join in Progress being thwarted by players continually backing out, I would recommend stiffer penalties to those that choose to back out rather than a complete disabling of the Join in Progress system.

Okay, so as another data point (as anecdotal as Cyber's) - this almost never happens to me. He says it happens to him all the time. It's not unheard of - but it's FAR more common (in the games I've played) for someone to join - and stick it out.

Maybe that's random chance. Maybe it's a function of the competitiveness of the pools we're in, respectively. Maybe it's a combination of both of those, or maybe it's something else entirely. Until Bungie posts a white paper explaining how the JIP matching works (which will never, ever happen), we won't really know. ;) (I don't know which of us has a more representative experience.)

Either way, though, I'm okay with stiffer penalties for quitters - I've ALWAYS been an advocate for the "wait 5 minutes before being allowed back" plan, going back to Reach days. It's never been implemented, but I think it mostly works. If you quit because something came up (phone call, door bell, kid puking, whatever), those 5 minutes won't bug you at all. If you quit because the game bumped you, it'll probably take SOME time to get back online and ready to play - so the remaining penalty won't be a HUGE hardship (though I will grant that it will be annoying, since you ALREADY got screwed by a server error - the only mitigating circumstance is that most of these happen because YOUR connection isn't perfect, and the server can't keep up, so a short timeout is probably a good idea ;) ). If you quit because that last guy who killed you made you rage - you NEED the 5 minutes. :) But clearly Bungie has never seen it this way, because they've never implemented this. ::shrug::

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