
That's not the important part. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 07:01 (3502 days ago) @ Funkmon

Would you be happy with a game that last five seconds after you spawn?

I wouldn't be unhappy. When I get a quick loss in iron banner, I think "Aww yeah, free medallion, no work! Awesome!" And then, 30 seconds later, I'm in a new game. Even if I was at max, free marks, free rep, no work. Only a loss of a little bit of time? No big dealio to me.

Ok, serious question: Are you here to have an actual conversation or are you here just to dismiss everything I say? I ask because this feels an awful lot like a few days ago where you could not see DeeJ was talking about a change to the Iron Banner damage curve even though he put it in a list of changes to the Iron Banner. You never did the polite thing and admit you were flat out wrong.

On this issue of join in progress, I admit, the time and score differential cut offs would need to be carefully considered to minimize the number of players trapped in a game with no more help coming. You made a good point. Now, here's the part where you admit that some people play Destiny's Crucible for fun or competition and would rather start a new, full game than press Launch and not get to play for even one second before a match ends.

So, and I ask this as politely as possible: Please either start having a real give and take conversation with me or just stop replying. Because your attitude right now, which I feel is very similar to the one you had last week, is intensely frustrating to me.

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