
That's not the important part. (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Sunday, June 07, 2015, 15:01 (3502 days ago) @ Funkmon

Actually, I didn't bring it up when it turned out YOU were wrong, and the level scaling was less severe, once the actual curve was posted. You seem to imply I didn't acknowledge it was a change when I specifically gave examples of how it could have been changed mathematically. That discussion was about whether or not there is more level weighting, and, as shown, there isn't really.

1. You spent three whole posts denying that there even was a change, most notably stating: "Power still matters is the phrase here. The sentence seems to be competent innocuous to me. If he wanted to say it was different, surely he would have used words that actually implied difference, or left out the part that's exactly the same." It took me posting a second source before you stopped insisting that DeeJ meant to say that nothing had changed.

2. Explain to me how my saying: "So it might even be that 33s are at even more of a disadvantage than they were not too long ago." is wrong when the facts came out as: "33s will take a little bit more extra damage from 34s - 1% instead of ~0.5%. Inverse is also true." Now I also said: "...I think this means the curve now slopes a bit more." and I was not entirely correct there, but neither was I entirely wrong. I made a guess based on the information I had. You, however, were entirely wrong on DeeJ's meaning.

As you may be able to tell by playing with me, or indeed reading what I say on this forum, I couldn't care one iota about losing or winning. I believe a few times while we've played I've suggested the strategy "Hey, let's run at them so this is over quicker," while losing. I try to win, until winning requires a level of strategy and camping that becomes unfun, then I stop caring immediately and just have fun.

And is this opinion so unbelievable to you? Have you ever ONCE heard me upset or actually complain while playing the game, even multiplayer? It only happened once, during a Skolas fight, then I largely quit for a week. Do you honestly think I'm fabricating ideas to be contrary to you? Maybe I just have a different opinion on this subject.

No, your opinion is perfectly fine, for you. I just don't think it is typical or representative of Destiny's player base. That is why I prompted you to acknowledge that others might have a different opinion by saying: "Now, here's the part where you admit that some people play Destiny's Crucible for fun or competition and would rather start a new, full game than press Launch and not get to play for even one second before a match ends."

As for the "agree with me or stop responding" thing...this is a forum. We are supposed to talk. If you want to only talk to people who agree with you, print out the rant and put it on your fridge. I normally treat this place as water cooler discussion, but when someone soapbox rants, it becomes a time for differing opinions. Again, it's a forum, not a symposium. And, let's keep in mind that you asked me a question. I answered your question.

Asking you to have a real give and take conversation is not the same as asking you to always agree with me. I responded to you by admitting that some of the rules I proposed in my initial post might not be ideal. I responded to you by agreeing that there were times that I too would not mind when a game ended quickly. All I am asking is you show the same kind of courtesy in your postings. And yes, if you are incapable of doing so then I would like you to leave me alone. Because at that point you are no longer coming to talk, you are merely coming to state your opinions over and over while ignoring mine.

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